
Headship Of The Husband In The Assembly (1 Corinthians 11:3)

  • July 10, 2024
  • 1 min read


The book of 1st Corinthians speaks about headship, giving an order from the woman straight up to the Most High. Unfortunately, how this works in an assembly is often misunderstood, especially by the husbands. What do I mean? First, let’s look at the verse:

1Co 11:3  But I would have you know, that the head of every man is HaMashiach; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of HaMashiach is Aluah.

Headship Of The Husband

There doesn’t seem to be any provision there for any assembly leader. So does this mean that the husband and wife in the assembly can just do their own thing. Is the husband now the absolute leader of his wife and the assembly has no authority over neither he nor his wife?

Now it doesn’t take an extremely brilliant person to know that if the husband alone is “calling the shots” in an assembly, then there will be confusion. Hence this video attempts to straighten out this problem as to how headship of the husband and wife works in a set apart assembly.

About Author

Chazaq EliYahu

Chazaq is the main presenter from Just a Word and has been teaching through videos for the last six years. He is an Israelite who is a follower of the way, as we are called to be in the bible.

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