Podcast Salvation

Patience And The Kingdom Of The Most High

  • August 21, 2024
  • 2 min read
Patience And The Kingdom Of The Most High
Chazaq EliYahuPatience And The Kingdom Of The Most High


Patience and the kingdom of the Most High? While doing the Live at 5 program on August 20, 2024, I was led away from the topic that I planned to do. I was down to look into 2 Baruk, but Ruach HaQadosh led me from the start to concentrate on a totally different topic.

Patience And The Kingdom Of The Most High


I never thought of it before I started speaking on the program, so the Most High had other plans for me at that time. So I went on to speak as led. As time went on, I got to receive more and more inspirational understandings. So please listen to the end.


I first started out speaking about the believer trusting in YAHUAH and eventually made its way directly to patience. This has revealed so much that I do not care to speak about here in this summary. It is best that you listen to the message.

About Author

Chazaq EliYahu

Chazaq is the main presenter from Just a Word and has been teaching through videos for the last six years. He is an Israelite who is a follower of the way, as we are called to be in the bible.

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