Self Control

We Must Have Rule Over Our Own Spirits, OR ELSE!

  • July 9, 2024
  • 1 min read

We must have rule over our own spirits, or else we will be in trouble spiritually. Now this video looks at Proverbs 25:28, which says in the KJV:

“Pro 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.”

This verse is so serious and has such great implications for believers and sinners alike.

We Must Have Rule Over Our Own Spirits

Most people watching our videos do not have the time to sit through our 2 to 3 hour teachings. Hence we will be making these short videos, some taken from those longer teachings, as we are preparing this website that will have our short videos. These videos will be short and to the point, perfect for today’s world in which people are overwhelmed with choices.


About Author

Chazaq EliYahu

Chazaq is the main presenter from Just a Word and has been teaching through videos for the last six years. He is an Israelite who is a follower of the way, as we are called to be in the bible.

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